Unlocking Potential: Navigating Dyslexia in Your Child's Educational Journey
Boluo School | 2023-08-19 | 3 min read

1 in 7 individuals has some form of learning disability, according to the National Center for Learning Disabilities. Many disabilities; however, go undiagnosed or unrecognized and new studies suggest the number may be closer to 1 in 5 people.  Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities, affecting nearly 40 million US adults. 

Frequently, dyslexia becomes apparent around the time a child learns to read at age 5 or 6, but that is not always the case. Some children manage to learn early reading skills, but begin to experience problems later on when language becomes more complicated and nuanced. In a surprising paradox, students that have gifted and experienced early elementary instructors are often the ones who go undiagnosed the longest because they are able to overcome hurdles early on.  

As students progress and the reliance on sight words dwindles, struggles will become more apparent. Not all sufferers of dyslexia experience the same type of difficulties, which makes dyslexias often tough to diagnose. It is a common myth that those with dyslexia “read backwards;” in actuality, they often simply have trouble distinguishing letters from one another and recognizing linguistic patterns. Some other possible signs include: difficulty with reading comprehension, organizing written and spoken language, very slow reading, poor spelling, incorrectly calculating math operations and difficulty or inability to learn a foreign language.

There is no single test for dyslexia. Diagnosing dyslexia requires a number of pieces of information to put the puzzle together. An analysis to determine if a child has dyslexia will likely include educational and medical history, questionnaires, vision and hearing tests, and formal tests for reading and other academic skills. 

Academic struggles can have a profound impact on a student's mental health. As academic difficulties persist, students might withdraw from social interactions, lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, and experience disrupted sleep patterns. It's crucial for educators and parents to provide support, create a nurturing environment, and encourage open communication to help students cope with these challenges and maintain a positive mental state throughout their educational journey.

Since dyslexia is so common, the teacher certification curriculum in most states includes specific training on how to differentiate curriculum and provide specific assistance for students with dyslexia. If your child is falling behind in reading and writing or you suspect your child may have dyslexia, working 1:1 with a certified teacher can make a huge difference in their academic performance. Certified educators are skilled in implementing different methods and providing individual support to students with dyslexia. 

At Boluo School, we only hire the best certified educators. All our teachers have demonstrated superior teaching methods and all have real classroom teaching experience. Regardless of what type of intervention your child needs, we have talented, professional educators waiting to help your child realize their full potential. 




